четверг, 16 января 2020 г.


If you have typed in an incorrect value, the foreground color changes to red. JCalendar is composed of several other beans described below. Bug in JMonthChooser fixed. Now selecting the first month will update the JDayChooser. Components The following table shows a list of used components all Java Beans. All these beans have a locale property, provide several icons Color 16x16, Color 32x32, Mono 16x16 and Mono 32x32 and their own locale property editor. For more information and the latest release of the JFC take a look at http: jcalendar.jar

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Depending on the locale, the month names and the weekday names change. Both in the lib directory of the distribution. After pressing the enter key the value will be set and displayed black. For more information and the latest release of the JFC take a look at http: The foreground of "today" is painted red.


JSpinField lets you choose a numeric value. Bug in JMonthChooser fixed. JCalendar is composed of several other beans described below.

Download jcalendar-1.4.jar file - Jar j

JCalendar allows you to choose a year, a month and a day. Depending on the locale, the weekday names jcalehdar.jar the first days of the week change. If you have typed in an incorrect value, the foreground color changes to red. If you find any errors or things you don't like, please contact Kai Toedter.

How to add JCalendar component to NetBeans IDE palette - Azio's World

If you like and use it, just let me know. Introduction JCalendar is a Java date chooser bean for graphically picking a date.

For navigation you can use the cursor and tab keys. Click here to run the applet.

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Properties for minimum and maximum values are provided. JDayChooser lets you choose a day by clicking on the day number. For all other operating systems, just put jcalendar. JYearChooser is a JSpinField see below that allows you to choose a year by either typing the year in or using the spin buttons to increase or decrease the value.

Download and Latest Version You can download a zip file, containing all the sources, libs and documentation at www. Awards This bean won first prize in the beans contest of the International Java Club. Installation The installation is very easy, just put jcalendar. The API documentation is available with frames or without frames.


The value can be typed in directly or increased and decreased by the spin buttons. So they can easily be used in GUI builders. All beans also work with J2 SDK 1. The language jcalendarj.ar the month names is defined by the locale property.

Now selecting the first month will update the Jcqlendar.jar. JMonthChooser is a JComboBox that allows you to choose a month by either using the combo box or the spin buttons. If you have the distribution installed locally on your computer, there's several ways to run the demos. Now changing the locale will not change the chosen month.

Correct values are displayed green. All these beans have a locale property, provide several icons Color 16x16, Color 32x32, Mono 16x16 and Mono 32x32 and their own locale property editor. Components The following table shows a list of used components all Java Beans.

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