воскресенье, 26 января 2020 г.


For now the procedure to maintain these RPMs is to email me patches to their spec file. BTW, it might be handy to include the daemontools manpages http: RPMs available response to How do we handle problem users? This website is maintained by the OpenACS community. tcllib rpm

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Help will be highly appreciated. You might wonder why I've created a tcl-threaded RPM. I understand his reasons, but vehemently disagree with his assertion that all installations MUST operate the same way. Is there a particular reason tcl 8.

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And yes, daemontools has its disadvantages, yet, OpenACS has more or less standardized on deamontools. Krish Krish 6 2 2 bronze badges.

So have at it! Of course credit for those who maintain the repository. In this way you will be able to compile from source.

tcllib rpm

In the latter case rpmbuild will download tccllib RPM for you. The topic is too fast to be explained here. A link to the new RPM will follow when ready. I think I hit a snag though. If you follow the setup as described in the original post and install the source RPM like so: Jade, the first post in this thread describes how to produce binaries from the source RPMs.

Recompile a package like so: For now the procedure to maintain these RPMs is to email me patches to their spec file. The same applies to aolserver. Active 1 month ago. Thanks for the speedy replies guys. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. How can I tell if tcl8.

Standard Tcl Library (tcllib)

Also you can compile from source or get from ActiveState like in previous answers. Again, I refer you to http: I think if anyone wants to host them on openacs. As I see it, it is now time for the community to take the source RPMs and put them through the wringer. So far we have RH 7.

For an explanation of how RPMs work I refer you to http: Thank you for making these available, Bart. I don't know about apt repositories, but a yum repository is trivial to setup. Michael, rebuilding a binary RPM from a source RPM takes place in a sandbox during which files are installed in tlclib safe location, i.

tcllib rpm

Also thanks for your offer to setup a yum repository, however in the best interest I think the repository should be hosted by openacs. Try ActiveTcl from ActiveState: All packages can be recompiled without root access with the following setup:.

How should i proceed from here? Lamar, no particular reason other then that 8. Any problems, email webmaster or submit a bug report.

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