среда, 22 января 2020 г.


Jilian - Take Me Away Elysian. Take Me Away by Patrick Reza ft. I grabbed some pics from the web and threw them together. The art is in the description in the picture. Jilian - Take Me Away Elysian. patrickreza - take me away (featuring jillian)

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PatrickReza - Take me away feat. PatrickReza - Take me away poledance at 'poleflow' Kelsea. Jillian - Take Me. With this daytage we would like to introduce you our new leader! So I thought I would get some footage together and make a video about it. Insomnia - Bad Machine here www.


Here's a dubstep remix of zircon's 'Just Hold On ft. Former AeRo Co Leader! Azurite Mix Filthy Biz. This is not the official music video.

Patrickreza Take Me Away Ft Jillian

Also thank you to the other musicians on this track! Take me Away Feat. PatrickReza - Take me away feat. PatrickReza - Take me away poledance at 'poleflow' Kelsea.

The song is Dubstep: Basically a teaser of more to come. Zeyru - Zey No More 1 Spin.

patrickreza - take me away (featuring jillian)

Jillian Give me a thumbs up, a great comment, and please subscribe if you haven't!!!!!! Melodic Dubstep Mix by Filthy Biz. These mixes are purely for promotional purposes only and no profit whatsoever was made from their upload. Please leave a like if you enjoyed! Zey No More is my main episodes from now on.

Take Me Away feat. PatrickReza - Take Me Away ft.

Patrickreza take me away ft jillian

Take Me Away by Patrick Reza ft. What more could you want?

patrickreza - take me away (featuring jillian)

Jillian Give me a thumbs up, a great comment, and please subscribe if you haven't!!!!!! Tanti (featuribg pollici in su, iniziamo a far crescere questo nostro primo canale youtube dedicato alla musica, quindi pollici in su e tanti tanti iscrittiii!

Jillian - Take Me Away Skype: Patrick Reza free download - Facebook: Here is a mix I hope you enjoy!

Jillian The second location was better. Take Me Away - PatrickReza ft. The md is in the description in the picture. Or it turns out like this. The song is Dubstep: Made this in a rush thinking it would be fine, but note to self:

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