суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


Can anyone help me? After all, the object is only to return the drive to its real size and to lock out any bad sectors found. After reprogramming the memory sticks all work perfectly at the correct 2GB size. September 28, at 1: It is because this file system is the most compatible and understood by many different operating systems. They has slower read-write speeds. If your drive is not glued to the bottom casing you can examine and record the flash drive chip too. udtools

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Do not try to manipulate the partition size or change the disk from removable to local. The link for the tool is dead: It will make a new one next time it is run. So chipgenius was apparently reading fake data, programmed by a counterfeiter…? If the chip for storage is very new, you may have to wait for an updated tool the family so it will be recognized.

My pen drive which Tamer udtoosl me at no cost for finding the fix is dead already. Properties show Used 32,Bytes I then went here: September 29, at But definetely its a 1 giga pendrive. Sounds more like you got a software running on your windows, thats doing that, did you perform low level format? The drive letter gets displayed but when i click on start option nothing udtiols.

They seem to be something like: February 10, at 5: I might have to start a new post, where all tools and chips they fixed are posted with links for downloads, i have unlinked the link you posted and here is the UDtools direct link from this very site, no messing around and trying to figure which thing to click. September 16, at 4: Firstly, you must use a PC with XP. H2testw says the drive is ok.

Windoooooows: Ameco

The program does not work, when I opened it does not show de U icon to start the process. You might also like to revise the VID or PID to match what chipgenious udtoo,s if different from the tool manual settings probably from the previous person who used the tool when they uploaded.

August 6, at 6: That format tool takes some time to format.


They exist and are available, but you need to know which one you must use for your drive. October 3, at 2: November 11, at September 28, at 6: August idtools, at 2: I have helped one of my friends fake flash disk restored its original size to 4gb.

Wrestling with FrankenFlash drives to make them useful is a mystery to most victims of fake flash drive purchases. Well if ur UK go with Emax as suggested by Ian and othersthey seem to be legit sellers of keys.

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Youcef the information you provided does not help much, and if a flash disk is about to die its about to die, nothing much can be done, as those drives are cheap drives with rather udtooks hardware.

Do not rely on the suggested output of ChipGenius to find the correct software.


August 26, at 1: Whats the actual size of your memory? Due the low quality of the chips in fact, may happen that in some cases the process of fixing kills the fake flashpens. The information is for advanced computer users.

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